Friday, October 16, 2020


 This may sound very boring, but routines are my new “thing”!  I’ve shunned routines in the past as being too rigid and not very helpful.  Well, it was me making them too rigid thus they weren’t helpful.

Routines are like seasons.  Sure, on the calendar it says summer starts June 20th.  When does it really start?  It depends on where you are.  When we lived in Georgia by June 20th, we were all ready well into 6 weeks of summer-like weather usually.  When we lived in Utah, I would say summer started on that day.  In Ohio, we’re still trying to figure it out (but that’s probably the day we were finally able to swim in our pool - long story!).  Seasons have an ebb and flow.  There’s a “goal” - warm weather, sunny days - but that “goal” doesn’t really start on a certain day.  Routines are the same way.  I currently have two morning routines and two evening routines (and then the weekend routines are still in limbo as I work on them).

Another aspect of routines is they can be overwhelming.  Starting a full morning routine might be too much.  I have recently implemented elements of The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod (no affiliations [at this time]) into my early morning routine.  I’m not 100% up to speed, but I’m getting there.  I also use to help me figure out my routines.

The routine I started out with about six weeks ago was water consumption.  I needed to make sure I was getting the water I needed (according to the formula of  your body weight/2).  For me, that’s A LOT of water.  So I reversed engineered how to get that much water in my system by 11pm.  To help you visualize this, I’ll give you my routine:

a bottle of water before breakfast

water/liquid at breakfast

a bottle of water once I get to work (before noon)

seltzer water for lunch (I’m addicted)

a bottle of water in the afternoon

more seltzer water at dinner

and if I’m really vigilant (my new habit [another post for another time] I’m forming), I have herbal tea with my evening scripture study.  This has to be done by 10pm (no more liquid an hour before bedtime - per Fed and Fit).  I’m still trying to get this habit in place on the weekends as I don’t have the exact same markers.

The point I’m trying to make is I didn’t establish the entire routine all at once.  In fact, Flylady breaks the evening (Before Bed) routine down simply (though she gets much more elaborate in her post) to the very basics. “Shine your sink, lay out clothes for tomorrow, and brush teeth.”

What do you absolutely have to get done each day?  Where does it fit in your day?  Morning? Afternoon? Evening? Once a day? Once a week? Once a month?  Again, don’t get overwhelmed (though you could write them down - FOR REFERENCE).  Just pick one element that you want to include in your routine and begin working on it.  I chose water, moved onto laying out my clothes for the next day, then meal planning/grocery shopping. Establishing these very narrow routines has bred more efficiency.  I’m able to conquer adding two elements (or more!) at a time.  

Remember, I’m a work-from-home empty nester and it’s a lot easier for me to change my life up than a stay-at-home mom with littles or middles.  That’s why I’m recommending to add just one element at a time to establish a routine.  (It might help to put reminders up on your mirror, refrigerator, window in front of the kitchen sink…)

The reward?  This morning, after doing my early morning routine, I actually had 10 minutes show up.  Don’t know how, but it did.  And my 2nd morning routine, I had another 10 minutes show up.  Again, I don’t know how, but I had “extra” minutes.  (I’m still trying to learn how to use those “extra” minutes...another story.)   When I first figured out my evening routine, I discovered about 1.5 hours of time I didn’t have before.  REMEMBER:  I’ve been working on this routine routine (yes, the double is necessary) for about 2 months now and I’m still not quite where I want to be. It’s a work-in-progress.

Do I always have this extra time?  NO!  I have a husband and I have other responsibilities that sometimes take my “extra” time - that’s what I mean by “ebb and flow”.  Sometimes, the “extra” time gets eaten up because the routine blew up, i.e. dinner didn’t go as planned or you get a call for help from a friend or your husband decides he needs to tell you about the important sporting event that just happened.  The established routine means you all ready have the “essentials” done and you can handle the blown up dinner or enjoy helping your friend or listening to your husband without worrying.

Will you identify one element of your life you would like to make routine and decide where it goes in your life?  Please let me know what it is.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

STARTing and BEing

 I have for a (LONG) while now wanted to (re)start a blog along the lines of being a Titus woman.  I would like to take the experiences I have had over the last 55  years here on Earth and share them with others with the hope that it will help another fellow traveler reach her/his potential.

I have excuses. A LOT of excuses for not (re)starting this blog.  This morning though, I decided to just (re)start. It will not be polished (at first).  It will not be planned (at first). It will not be consistent (at first).  But it will BE.  

So, for my first (re)post - that is my advice.  Just start.  BEgin where you ARE to improve yourself.  Your life. Your relationship(s). 

I hope in the BEing, I won’t cause anyone harm.  I hope in the BEing, I will help another person along the way.

And in that BEing, know that God loves you. Loves you more than you can fathom.  Even though you cannot SEE the love (perhaps), know that HE is present.  

Please join me in starting and being.

P.S. Please don’t tell any of my instructors from school that I threw this together and posted.  They would probably be disappointed (I did learn how to put together a “proper” blog post while attending school.) The lack of professionalism of this blog post is not a reflection on them.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Who is most important?

As I read the required reading this week on in-law relations and financial challenges (see B. Poduska, Till Debt Do Us Part, 2000, chapters 2 and 11 and J.M. Harper and S.F. Olsen , "Creating Healthy Ties With In-Laws and Extended Families" in C. H. Hart, L.D. Newell, E. Walton, and D.C. Dollahite (Eds.), Helping and healing our families: Principles and practices inspired by "The Family: A Proclamation to the World" 2005, pp. 327-334), I wondered how my husband and I have made it this far.  I’m not challenging the wisdom of the words shared, I’m just suggesting that I think we “broke” all of the “rules” outlined
by the authors but somehow muddled through most of them to rectify them.  In fact, after a particular difficult part of our marriage, I asked my husband how we had managed to make it through it and he simply replied, “We love each other.”

 It was not as simple as that but that was (and is) the underlying foundation – we love each other. We also had a solid foundation in commitment to covenants. This is meant as hope for those who are struggling in their marriage.
Advice from parents or other outside sources, such as shared from my marriage class, are definitely helpful (and needful) in righting a capsizing marriage, but I truly believe that love and commitment are the “glue”.
That being said, my marriage would have benefited from having known most of what was shared in this week’s readings.  The following statement though by Bernard Poduska is my favorite:  “…[B]oth individuals must commit themselves to thoughtful consideration of the consequences of their actions on their partners” (Till Debt Do Us Part, 2000, p. 198).  Sometimes as we transition (and it can be a 25+ year transition) into marriage, we forget that there is another person, THE most important person, to consider in our lives. The thoughtlessness that occurs can come from being a self-centered adult (which is normal) or an overabundance of family influence (which is normal) or children (which is normal) a really bad day at the office (again, which is normal).  What I’m trying to convey is that it is normal to mess up, but that doesn’t mean you have to stay in “normal”. One of my favorite scriptures is from an address given by an ancient prophet-king, King Benjamin, found in the Book of Mormon, Mosiah 3:19,
“For the natural man is an enemy to God, and has been from the fall of Adam, and will be, forever and ever, unless he yields to the enticings of the Holy Spirit, and putteth off the natural man and becometh a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord, and becometh as a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father.”
The natural man (or normal) is not only an enemy to God, but can be an enemy to a marriage.  The advice we receive from others (such as the readings from this semester) can help us overcome the natural man and help us create a celestial marriage.
Michaela Damm - Flickr
We need to recognize that we may be having a “normal” experience, but we need to improve ourselves, so we can have a “celestial” experience going forward.
Going back to the quote by Poduska, we need to consider our spouse thoughtfully as we make decisions or act on something. If we do, we will be turning towards them rather than inward or towards other influences.  This can only improve our marital relationship.  My spouse should be the most important person in my life and given the courtesy of being treated as such. I’m working on it.
Edited by Pauline Gold on Apr 3 at 4:02am
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Saturday, March 30, 2019

Family Councils

I have always had some participation in family councils. They may not have been perfect as described by Elder Rulon G. Craven (quoted in Ballard, M.R., 1997, Counseling with Our Counsels, p. 46-49), but they were councils. My parents would hold family council and still do to this day.  My husband and I established family council early in our marriage and still do though our children have left the nest. We have now been reduced, primarily, to a council of two, though our children like to give their input as they see fit on occasion.  Of course, those types of family councils are not formally called but are considered.
                As I read Elder Craven’s words, I realized that not all the family councils I have participated in have been councils of harmony. I believe that they could have been and will be when the following is considered: “I have noticed that each of the Brethren is not so much concerned with expressing his own point of view as he is with listening to the point of view of others and striving to create a proper climate in the Council meetings” (quoted in Ballard, M.R., 1997 Counseling with Our Counsels, p. 47). The disharmonized councils I have participated in have been rife with those who demanded to be heard rather than to listen with love and concern.
                What can be done to help bring harmony to a council meeting? I believe following the pattern that Elder Craven mentions will help. There is preparation for the council meeting – an agenda is given the evening before so that each member has the opportunity to read, ponder, and consider the items to be presented. As the meeting commences, they express love and concern for each other then have a prayer to invite the Spirit to be in attendance.  The President of Twelve then addresses each item on the agenda. One is appointed to present the item and then it is opened for discussion. I believe because of the preparation, the love expressed, and the desire to have the Spirit, the Brethren are then able to discuss and listen to the points of view of others. They are humble enough to recognize they may have a change of opinion. Once the President feels there is unity of thought, he makes a recommendation then asks for any further discussion. A vote is requested and taken. The vote must be unanimous.
                There are so many parts of this pattern that will facilitate the unanimous vote. Each are important in their own right and together will create the harmony that is necessary for the Church (and our families) to have peace in making decisions.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Sexual Intimacy

Growing up as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,
Photo by frank mckenna on Unsplash
I wish I would have had  guidance about sexual intimacy growing up. My parents were (are) affectionate in public, but the only guidance I had on sexual intimacy from them was the night before I got married, “Do you have any questions?” I don’t think that prepared me for my wedding night.

The only instruction I had received from my church classes growing up was “Don’t do it!” Well, how are children suppose to get here if we don’t “do it?”  I’m sure like most of my peers, I sought information about sexual intimacy from other sources. Some were not the most best of sources and left me feeling that sex could not be about "that".  One was a family class I took at Oregon State University. One “memorable” lecture was a speaker playing with a condom the entire session. Ugh!

So how should sexual intimacy be addressed to the youth of the Church or the youth anywhere?

First, sexual intimacy should wait until marriage. This includes modesty of dress and manners. This includes dating standards. In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, For the Strength of Youth states, “You should not date until you are at least 16 years old. When you begin dating, go with one or more additional couples. Avoid going on frequent dates with the same person. Developing serious relationships too early in life can limit the number of other people you meet and can perhaps lead to immorality” (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, For the Strength of Youth, 2011, pp. 4).

Second, as taught by President Hugh B. Brown, sexual intimacy is not something to be ashamed of,
“President Hugh B. Brown, who served as a counselor in the First Presidency, wrote the following about sexual intimacy in his book You and Your Marriage:

“Thousands of young people come to the marriage altar almost illiterate insofar as this basic and fundamental function is concerned. The sex instinct is not something which we need to fear or be ashamed of. It is God-given and has a high and holy purpose … We want our young people to know that sex is not an unmentionable human misfortune, and certainly it should not be regarded as a sordid but necessary part of marriage. There is no excuse for approaching this most intimate relationship in life without true knowledge of its meaning and its high purpose.” (Hugh B. Brown, You and Your Marriage, 1960, pp. 73, 76.)

Third, where does one get this information that will elevate rather than tear down the sanctity of sexual intimacy?  Hopefully parents would be the first source of this type of intimate information, but I can tell you have failed my children as my parents failed me. Perhaps, the youth don’t even know what questions to ask.  Sean Brotherson lists some excellent questions to begin with:

“How is your body designed to respond to sexual arousal? How do men and women differ in how they express their desires sexually? What is the best way to approach your companion if you are interested in intimacy? Is satisfaction reached the same way for both men and women? How often should a couple be together? What is appropriate or not appropriate in terms of sexual expression?” (Sean Brotherson, Meridian Magazine, “Fulfilling the Sexual Stewardship in Marriage”, 2003, 

He also lists in this article several books he recommends.  I have not read these books, but they are definitely on my reading list now.  I don’t want to leave my unmarried children as clueless as I was (and may still be). I also want to help the youth that I come in contact with have a healthy and wondrous insight into sexual intimacy.

Obviously, there is more to be said on sexual intimacy, but the conversation needs to start. These are good steps to begin the conversation with our youth. Help them understand that marriage is important and that sexual intimacy is part of that. Yes, sex is natural, but it should be treated with reverence, not the hush-hush that happened to me nor the lewdness of the world. 

Saturday, March 16, 2019


This will NOT contain the specifics of a confessional – to protect the innocent. 
Photo by Chinmoy Sharma on Unsplash

I have experienced gridlock in my marriage.  According to Gottman, gridlock is having the same argument over and over without getting to a resolution because neither of you can address the issue with understanding or repairs thus the issue escalates and polarizes and the compromise seems impossible because neither wants to give up something important to them (Gottman, J.M., The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, 2015, p.237).

                My husband and I are in the middle of a gridlock. Until I read this chapter, I did not think it would be possible to overcome it. Now, I’m cautiously optimistic that we can. Gottman outlines four steps to overcome gridlock (Gottman, J.M., The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, 2015, p.250-259).
Photo by Jenny Marvin on Unsplash

I must realize that this will not solve the problem, but it can bring understanding and hopefully compromise to our gridlock issue over a matter of time.

                The first step to overcoming gridlock is Explore the Dream(s). The dream is the cause of the gridlock and has its own steps to master. Perhaps, you dream of having family dinners and your spouse can’t stand family dinners. (Remember keep them as “I” statements – no attacking your partner.) Identify this dream and write it down. Then write down the story behind this dream. You have fond memories of family dinners and your spouse remembers family dinners as the fight that never stopped. After you’ve taken the time to identify and record the dream, you each take fifteen minutes to talk about the dream and the other listens – NO INTERRUPTIONS! Try not to pass judgment. Next you honor your spouse’s dream – express understanding and a desire to learn about the dream, and/or actively enable the dream, and/or be part of your spouse’s dream.

                The second step to overcoming gridlock is Soothe your spouse. This means to soothe the flooding that might occur during the talking part. Perhaps remembering about those fighting matches that poised as family dinners get your spouse riled up. Take time to calm down before proceeding. Neither one of you want to be anxious (or have any other negative emotion) as you search for a resolution.

                The third step to overcoming gridlock is Reach a Temporary Compromise. This is the time to find common ground. What part of the dream do you have in common? Family is important to both of you. This is the time to determine what is non-negotiable (not EVERY WEEK) and where you might be flexible (would once a month work?). 

                I think the last step is my favorite to overcoming gridlock – say “thank you.” Express appreciation to your spouse for taking the time to talk with you and begin working on a resolution. I have personally seen this work miracles in my life. (I think this could be used during all the other steps of overcoming gridlock – “Thank you for sharing your story. I didn’t know. It helps me understand better.” “Thank you for taking time to help me calm down while we were talking about this.” “Thank you for understanding my values/insights/point-of-view.”)

                I am guilty of crushing some of my husband’s dreams. It wasn’t intentional. But, I know
Photo by James Pond on Unsplash
I’ve done some damage that needs repair. (That’s not the gridlock.) I’m hoping he’ll let me do a do-over with his dreams. At least, allow me to listen and support him however I can.

And with our gridlock, I’ll report back whether these steps worked for us or not.

Saturday, March 9, 2019


Brother Goddard states “The problem with equity is in the inevitable scorekeeping that accompanies efforts towards it” (Goddard H.W., Drawing Heaven into Your Marriage, 2009, pg.  107). Ouch!  Keeping score leads to all sorts of problems – and I believe most of them are negative.
For instance, if a couple keeps score of who is doing the most housework, someone is going to lose. Think about a sports game. The score at the end of the game means someone lost. The purpose of keeping score is to see who is better. In a marriage, I don’t think there can be a winner or a loser. Both members of the couple end up being losers. Both will end up feeling hurt, as one will resent that he/she did more work and the other will bear the brunt of the accusations (or the scorekeeping).

So, if you want an equitable marriage how do you achieve it without scorekeeping?  This is one of the brilliant principles of The Family: A Proclamation to the World (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. [1995 September]. Retrieved from By divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families. Mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children. In these sacred responsibilities, fathers and mothers are obligated to help one another as equal partners.” The Proclamation outlines each partner’s individual primary responsibility. For instance, my husband makes WAY more money than I do. That is his responsibility by “divine design.” For most of our married life, I have been primarily responsible for the nurturing of our children. I have helped with the family finances throughout our marriage. He has helped with the nurturing of our children. I don’t draw up a balance sheet with his salary and match it up against what my nurturing services might cost our family (nor does he). 

Does this mean that I don’t keep score? Hardly. Remember last week when I spoke about the mote and beam parable? That’s how I keep score though I am trying to stop. (Yoda: “Do or do not. There is no try.” Yeah, yeah, yeah.) Honestly, though, I realized I wasn’t happy when I was keeping score. I am making an effort to turn my judging around and turn it back on myself. What is causing me to judge (or keep score) with my husband? Is there something I’m lacking and it’s “easier” to pick on him rather than “fix” me? Once again, he’s not perfect but he’s not horrible either. The only way I can make this marriage better is by making a better me.

I want us both to be winners in our marriage. That is the Savior’s way. There is no way we could “pay” Him back for the blessing of His Atonement. He asks us to be the best we can be – by serving each other. He’s not keeping score. He is helping us to be winners. So instead of nagging my husband about doing the dishes (which I don’t think I ever have – kudos to me), I could ask if he would help me do the dishes or realize he might have had a difficult day at work and just do them. Either way, we both win! (Actually, if you’re keeping score, I think I would be the winner – as long as I have a great attitude about doing the dishes – I will be happy in my service and my husband will be the blob on the couch. Just kidding!)